Newton‘s alchemy studies began around 1669 and continued for some 30 years. His alchemical manuscripts total well over million words.
The notion that the universe runs like a mechanical clock arose in the 17th century leading to the mechanical philosophy.
The Ancient Greek alchemists sought to make gold and silver from “lesser” metals.
The Chinese alchemists sought elixirs for longevity, immortality, and the perfection of the human soul.
While Newton saw the world as following definite laws, he also imagined an intervening God to keep things running smoothly.
Descartes saw no difference between man-made machines and nature’s “machines”, other than the former had to be big enough to see.
Galileo was an accomplished lute player and often played duets with his father.
Galileo designed a powerful telescope (20X) by 1609 allowing him to see the moon, 4 (of 67) moons of Jupiter and several new stars.
In mid-1609 Galileo turned his focus away from the laws of motion and pointed his telescope towards the sky.
Galileo put his original work on the laws of motion on hold for 25 years to focus on his passion with astronomy.